
Feliz Año Nuevo /Happy New Year 2009 in many different languages

Afgani Saale Nao Mubbarak
Afrikaans Gelukkige nuwe jaar
Albanian Gezuar Vitin e Ri
Armenian Snorhavor Nor Tari
Arabic Kul 'am wa antum bikhair
Assyrian Sheta Brikhta
Azeri Yeni Iliniz Mubarek!
Bengali Shuvo Nabo Barsho
Breton [Celtic Brythonic language] Bloavezh Mat
Bulgarian ×åñòèòà Íîâà Ãîäèíà(pronounced "Chestita Nova Godina")
Cambodian Soursdey Chhnam Tmei
Chinese Xin Nian Kuai Le
Corsican Language Pace e Salute
Croatian Sretna Nova godina!
Cymraeg (Welsh) Blwyddyn Newydd Dda
Czech Šťastný Nový rok (or Stastny Novy rok)
Denish Godt Nytår
Dhivehi Ufaaveri Aa Aharakah Edhen
Eskimo Kiortame pivdluaritlo
Esperanto Felican Novan Jaron
Estonians Head uut aastat!
Finnish Onnellista Uutta Vuotta
French Bonne Annee
Gaelic Bliadhna mhath ur
Galician [NorthWestern Spain] Bo Nadal e Feliz Aninovo
German Prosit Neujahr
Greek Kenourios Chronos
Gujarati Nutan Varshbhinandan
Hawaiian Hauoli Makahiki Hou
Hebrew L'Shannah Tovah
Hindi Naye Varsha Ki Shubhkamanyen
Hong kong (Cantonese) Sun Leen Fai Lok
Hungarian Boldog Ooy Ayvet
Indonesian Selamat Tahun Baru
Iranian Sal -e- no mobarak
Iraqi Sanah Jadidah
Irish Bliain nua fe mhaise dhuit
Italian: Felice anno nuovo
Japan: Akimashite Omedetto Gozaimasu
Kabyle: Asegwas Amegaz
Kannada: Hosa Varushadha Shubhashayagalu
Khmer: Sua Sdei tfnam tmei
Korea: Saehae Bock Mani ba deu sei yo!
Latvian Laimīgo Jauno Gadu!
Lithuanian: Laimingu Naujuju Metu
Laotian: Sabai dee pee mai
Macedonian Srekjna Nova Godina
Madagascar Tratry ny taona
Malay Selamat Tahun Baru
Marathi : Nveen Varshachy Shubhechcha
Malayalam : Puthuvatsara Aashamsakal
Mizo Kum Thar Chibai
Maltese Is-Sena t- Tajba
Nepal Nawa Barsha ko Shuvakamana
Norwegian Godt Nyttår
Papua New Guinea Nupela yia i go long yu
Pampango (Philippines) Masaganang Bayung Banua
Pashto Nawai Kall Mo Mubarak Shah
Persian Sal -e- no mobarak
Philippines Manigong Bagong Taon!
Polish: Szczesliwego Nowego Roku
Portuguese Feliz Ano Novo
Punjabi Nave sal di mubarak
Russian S Novim Godom
Samoa Manuia le Tausaga Fou
Serbo-Croatian Sretna nova godina
Sindhi Nayou Saal Mubbarak Hoje
Singhalese Subha Aluth Awrudhak Vewa
Siraiki Nawan Saal Shala Mubarak Theevay
Slovak Stastny Novy rok
Slovenian sreèno novo leto
Somali Iyo Sanad Cusub Oo Fiican!
Spanish Feliz Año Nuevo
Swahili Heri Za Mwaka Mpyaº
Swedish GOTT NYTT ÅR! /Gott nytt år!
Sudanese Warsa Enggal
Tamil Eniya Puthandu Nalvazhthukkal
Tibetian Losar Tashi Delek
Telegu Noothana samvatsara shubhakankshalu
Thai Sawadee Pee Mai
Turkish Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun
Ukrainian Shchastlyvoho Novoho Roku
Urdu Naya Saal Mubbarak Ho
Uzbek Yangi Yil Bilan
Vietnamese Chuc Mung Tan Nien
Welsh : Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!


Performance Students 1 ESO B (Bilingual) IES Maria Zambrano 16/12/2008.

Actuación de los Alumnos de 1 ESO B y su profesora de música, Susana, en la Jornada de Acogida de los alumnos de 6 de Primaria del CEP Blas Infante. Torre del Mar (Málaga)


Common Errors in soundalike words

These are errors which occur because two words sound similar or the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. Some of the more common soundalike errors:

"Compliment" and "complement"

A "compliment" is a pleasantry, an expression of goodwill, admiration, or respect; "he complimented my typing skills." As a verb, it means "to pay someone a compliment." On the other hand, "complement" means "a complete set," or "to complete or to fit well together with," as in "I have the normal complement of fingers and toes" or "Bob and Jill complement one another beautifully as business partners."

A fine wine will complement a meal, in that it will go well with a meal; wine is not gifted of the power of speech and is unable to give a meal a compliment.

"Allude" and "elude"

To "allude" to something means to refer to it, usually indirectly; "far be it from me to allude to my esteemed rival's history of wombat abuse." "Elude," though, means to escape or avoid; "the suspect eluded police capture by slipping out the window."

"To" and "too"

"Too" means "also" or "to a great extent." "To" means "in the direction of" or indicates an infinitive. You go to the store; if someone else goes along with you, then she goes too. If fifteen people go with you, that's far too many to take one car.

"Tu," on the other hand, is Latin for "you," and does not mean "too." The Latin phrase "et tu, Brute?" means "and you, Brutus?" rather than "you too, Brutus?" Writing it as "et too, Brute?" is completely wrong.

"Accept" and "except"

To "accept" something means to receive that thing; you accept a reward, you accept blame, you accept a FedEx package. "Except" means "with the exclusion of" or "but;" for instance, "I work every day except Saturday and Sunday." Just think: E is for Except, E is for Exclusion.

"Affect" and "effect"

These two words are entirely different parts of speech. "Affect" is a verb: "Your insults do not affect me." "Effect" is generally a noun; that is, it is an actual thing. Slings and arrows have an effect on me; they injure me, and the injuries are things. "You cannot affect me; your idle chatter has no effect on me."

Confusing this issue somewhat is that the word "affect," when the emphasis is placed on the first syllable, is used in the psychiatric community to mean "emotion" or "demeanor," as in "Bob presents a flat affect when you talk to him" (that is, Bob shows no emotion or expression when you're speaking to him); and the word "effect" can be used as a verb to mean "make" or "change," as in "to effect an improvement in the situation."

"Allowed" and "aloud"

"Allowed" means "permitted," as in "I am not allowed to go to the party tomorrow." "Aloud" means "out loud," as in "Read the book aloud." The word "aloud" has the word "loud" in it, which makes these two easy to remember.

"Advise" and "advice"

These two words are also different parts of speech. "Advise" is a verb; you advise someone to do something. "As your lawyer, I advise you to keep your mouth shut." It's pronounced "advize." "Advice" is something that you give someone, or someone gives you. "I did not follow my lawyer's advice, and now I'm in trouble."

"Desert" and "dessert" and "deserts"

This is a very common confusion, even among people who really ought to know better. A "desert" is a place with no water; "We are reading a book about the Sahara Desert." As a verb, "desert" means "to abandon," as in "I may have to desert my Hummer if gas keeps getting more expensive." On the other hand, "dessert" is the treat you have after a meal, as in "Can I have apple pie for dessert tonight?"

This one gets really confusing when you see or hear the phrase "just deserts." Many people erroneously believe that this should be "just desserts;" however, the word "deserts" in this case is an archaic expression meaning "that which someone deserves." A person's "deserts" once meant "the thing a person deserves to have;" thus, "just deserts" means "those things it is just for one to have."

"Discreet" and "discrete"

These words sound the same, but are completely unrelated. "Discreet" means "unobtrusive" or "with good judgement," as in "If you are going to follow someone, it's best to be discreet." A person who is discreet shows discretion, as in "Discretion is the better part of valor." "Discrete," on the other hand, means "made up of distinct parts," as in "A telephone has three discrete parts: a handset, a base, and a cord."

"Lose" and "loose"

"Lose" is pronounced "looze." It means "to misplace," as in "I always lose my car keys," or "to be defeated," as in "We will lose the game without Bob." "Loose" means "not tight" ("This shirt is too loose on me"), or "not confined" ("the dog got loose when the door on his kennel broke").

"Site" and "sight" and "cite"

"Site" is a place. "Sight" is having to do with vision. "We went to the crash site" means "we went to the place where the crash happened;" "the enemy is in sight" means "the enemy is visible." This is a web site, meaning "a place on the Web," not a web sight. "Cite," which is pronounced just like "site," is entirely different; it means to quote, as in "Can you cite any studies that prove what you're saying?"

"Then" and "than"

"Then" has to do with time, as in "We went to the store, then we went to the movies" or "When you finish your homework, then you can go outside." On the other hand, "than" is a conjunction used in comparisons: "He is older than she is," or "that is easier said than done."

"Brakes" and "breaks"

"Brakes" are devices used to stop a moving machine, such as a car. "Breaks" is what happens when something hits something else too hard. If the brakes on your car fail, your car breaks when it hits the wall; a broken brake leads to a broken car.

"Appraised" and "apprised"

These two words are confused with distressing frequency, though they mean totally different things. An appraisal is an estimate of worth or cost; if something is appraised, that means its value has been determined. "The auctioneer appraised the painting as four million dollars."

The word "apprise," on the other hand, means "to inform" or "to give notice." If you wish to be notified about something, you would say "keep me apprised of the situation," not "keep me appraised of the situation."

"Vehemently" and "violently"

Several people have written to comment about the confusion between these words. "Vehemently" means "with energy or passion;" if you do something vehemently, you do so in strong terms. So for example, you might say "I vehemently disagree with what you just said."

"Violently" means "with physical violence." I'm not quite sure when it started happening, but it seems that many people say things like "I violently disagree with you" when they really mean "I vehemently disagree with you."

It's "per se," not "per say."

Per se is Latin for "of itself." It means "intrinsically," as in "a state government is not a sovereign entity per se, but is subsumed under the Federal government."

All I want for Christmas is You

"All I Want for Christmas Is You" is a song by American singer Mariah Carey and Walter Afanasieff, and recorded for Carey's fifth album Merry Christmas (1994). Its protagonist declares that she does not care about Christmas presents or lights; all she wants for Christmas is to be with her lover. It was released as the album's first single in December 1994 (see 1994 in music) and reached the top ten in several countries.
It is Carey's most successful song worldwide, having sold over 8 million cds, digital downloads, and ringtones worldwide. It sold over 1 million in Japan and remains one of her most successful today. It became the first holiday ringtone to go gold and platinum and its history of breaking records only start from there. Every Christmas it peaks inside the top 10 in most charts it enters. According to The New Yorker, it is "one of the few worthy modern additions to the holiday canon".Despite the common misconception that Carey covered this song, the fact is that this track is an original song written by Carey and Walter Afanasieff

Trim the Christmas Tree

Decorate your Tree, You just have to click the tree to start!!

Everything you wanted to know about Santa Claus and you didn't dare to ask.

Click in Santa's picture below.


The Time

Learn the Time with SANTA!!
Press the picture to start the game.

Write your letter to Santa :

Press the picture above to write and send your funny letter to Santa.


Apologize--- OneRepublik

Lyrics by One Republic

I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin' what you say but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait...
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say...

That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
It's nothin' new - yeah yeah
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
"Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
Whoaa whooa

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin' on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground...


'Too' can be used as an adjective (meaning also and as well as) but that is not how it is used in the apologize lyrics. Do you know how it is used?
What does the expression "too late" mean?
Too- means 'more than enough' or 'more than was wanted' and late means after a specific time. (Like if you arrive late for work.Notice what follows the "too late" structure? It's too late to apologize. A verb in the infinitive.So you can say anything like,It's too late to eat dinner.It's too late to go see a movie.It's too late to apologize to me.

Phrasal verbs

holding on- This phrasal verb can be used in a couple ways. In the song it means that the man is holding something. In the song he is holding on the rope.

If you say to some one "hold on a minute", it means to wait. "hold on a minute" means "wait a minute".

Cut down- In the song they put the subject in the middle "cut me down" and this can have two meanings. Physically, to cut them free from something. Imagine that you are in a tree tied to it with a rope. A swords man comes along and cuts the rope and you fall to the ground. They just cut you down.

A different interpretation is when you verbally belittle or make someone feel small or stupid. If your partner cuts you down it means they are insulting you but in a sharp and cruel way.

turn around- is a physical action. Imagine that the man in the song has his back to the woman who is talking to him. He then changes his position so that he is facing her. When he moves and turns his body, he turns around to face her.

Take something

The verb to take can sometimes be tricky (difficult). It is used in many expressions like to take medicine, take a nap or take something somewhere. Take is used three times in this song, and they are three great expressions.
1) take a chance -

When you take a chance, you don't know what will happen but you do something anyways. You gamble or trust someone. You take a chance when you ask someone out for a drink and you take another chance when you tried something once and you want to try again.

2) take a fall- This comes from the expression to take the fall for someone. If your friend does something wrong but you say that you did it, you take the fall for them. In the song, the man takes a fall (just once).

3) take a shot- is very similar to take a chance, just another expression. Take a shot is a bit more direct. Think about taking a shot with a gun. BANG!

Where is the 'g' at the end?

Throughout the apologize lyrics, and in general with native speakers, the g in the 'ing' at the end of verbs in the present continuous is not pronounced. So instead of hearing, I was hearin' the words but I didn't understand. Instead of nothing, there was nothin' I could do.

Listen to the difference between 'holding' and 'holdin' at the beginning and at the end of the song. Just something to sound a little more natural.



This week is the premiere of TWILIGHT in our country. That's a good reason to know something about that phenomenon in all the world. (thanks God, Harry Potter has a substitute)
Above all, I reccomend you reading the book, before seeing the movie.

((Aprovecho que esta semana es el estreno de crepúsculo en nuestro país para dar alguna información acerca de la película y el libro que están batiendo records de ventas.))

Plot summary
Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona, to rainy Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie. She chooses to do this so that her mother, Renée, can travel with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, who is a minor league baseball player. In Phoenix she was a bit of an outcast, so it surprises her that she attracts much attention at her new school, and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys in the school compete for shy Bella's attention.
When Bella sits next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He even attempts to change his schedule to avoid her, leaving Bella completely puzzled about his attitude towards her. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her the local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires. Although she was inexplicably attracted to him even when she thought Edward drank human blood, she is much relieved to learn that the Cullens choose to abstain from drinking human blood, and drink animal blood instead. Edward reveals that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.
The seemingly perfect state of their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks, and James, a tracker vampire, decides that he wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens plan to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. Bella then gets a phone call from James in which he says that he has her mother, and Bella must give herself up to James at her old dance studio, to save her. She does so, and while at the dance studio, James attacks her. Edward, along with the rest of the Cullen family, rescue Bella before James can kill her. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom out of her system before it can spread and change her into a vampire. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses to let happen.


Beyoncé --If I were a boy--

Videos tu.tv

Beyonce's new hit, "If I were a Boy" is not just a great tune (song) to listen to on your way to work. It is a super example of how to use the second conditional.

Can you find all the examples of 2nd Conditional in the song?

Phrasal Verbs


1)Throw on

2)Chase after

3)Stick up

4)Turn off

5)Kick it isn't a phrasal verb, but what does it mean?

Here are the answers. Try to match the phrasal verb with the correct definition. Look at the phrasal verbs in the context of the song to see if you can understand their meanings.

A) To stop something operating by disengaging a switch (desenchufar)
B) To relax and be comfortable with others.
C) Is a quicker version of "put on". For example...putting on clothing but more quickly or without care. (echarse por encima lo primero que pillamos en el armario)
D) To defend against attack or criticism
E) To pursue with the intent to catch

Answer: 4a, 5b ,3 d, 2e, 1c


Quizzes about famous tv series and movies

The Simpsons

Press the picture to do the quizz.

High School Musical

Press the picture to find out what you know about this movie.

(If you want more quizzes about different themes, you'll find them at the bottom )

The Weather (el Tiempo)

Let's revise the weather with some games. Repasemos El vocabulario del tienpo con algunos juegos!

Can you make your way across the maze and reach home? Practise listening to words for the weather words

Practise listening to weather words with the weather maze! In this listening you will listen to a weather forecast, you have to match the countries with the weather.

Fairy Tales / Cuentos para niños

Fairy stories (or fairy tales) are traditional stories for children. Magical things often happen in the stories, and sometimes there are magical or imaginary creatures too. Read and listen to some fairy tales, and find lots of activities to do.

Estos cuentos tradicionales ayudarán a desarrollar la imaginación de los más pequeños, así como su Inglés. Podréis escuchar y leer los cuentos que vienen acompañados por muchas actividades.

Little Red Riding Hood (caperucita roja) is visiting her Granny. But when she gets to Granny's house, Granny looks very strange! Is it Granny? Or is it the wolf she met in the wood? What will happen to Little Red Riding Hood?

Jack and the beanstalk (Jack y las judías gigantes)
Jack and his mother are very poor. One day he sells their cow - for some beans. His mother is very angry. What will they do now? Read and listen to this traditional story. There is a game for you to do while the story loads.
Have you read the story?

Goldilocks and the three bears (Rizos de oro y los tres ositos)
Goldilocks is a young girl. One day she is walking in the forest and she sees a house - and the door is open. What does Goldilocks find in the house?
Have you finished the story?

Source: British council


Today is Thanksgiving Day / Acción de Gracias en Los Estados Unidos

History about...

Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, at the end of the harvest season, is an annual American Federal holidayto express thanks for one's material and spiritual possessions. The period from Thanksgiving Day to New Year's Day often is called the holiday season . Most people celebrate by gathering at home with family or friends for a holiday feast. Though the holiday's origins can be traced to harvest festivals that have been celebrated in many cultures since ancient times, the American holiday has religious undertones related to the deliverance of the English settlers by Native Americans after the brutal winter at Plymouth, Massachusetts.

The first recorded Thanksgiving ceremony took place on September 8, 1565, when 600 Spanish settlers, under the leadership of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, landed at what is now St. Augustine, Florida, and immediately held a Mass of Thanksgiving for their safe delivery to the New World; there followed a feast and celebration. As the La Florida colony did become part of the United States, this can be classified as the first Thanksgiving.

Since 1947, or possibly earlier, the National Turkey Federation has presented the President of the United States with one live turkey and two dressed turkeys, in a ceremony known as the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation. The live turkey is pardoned and lives out the rest of its days on a peaceful farm. While it is commonly held that this pardoning tradition began with Harry Truman in 1947, the Truman Library has been unable to find any evidence for this. The earliest on record is with George H. W. Bush in 1989.

Foods of the season: Stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, sweet corn, other fall vegetables, and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner. All of these primary dishes are actually native to the Americas or were introduced as a new food source to the Europeans when they arrived.

Future Thanksgiving dates 2008–2014
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Friday after Thanksgiving
The Friday after Thanksgiving, although not a Federal holiday, is often a company holiday for many in the U.S. workforce, except for those in retail. It is also a day off for most schools. The Friday after Thanksgiving, colloquially known as Black Friday, is usually the start of the Christmas shopping season.

(Source Wikipedia)

1. When is celebrated Thanksgiving?
2. When did take place the first recorded Thanksgiving?
3. Name three typical food in this Day.
4. What does happen to the turkey which is presented to the President?
5. What is interesting about the Friday after Thanksgiving?


It's pointless learning Slang, Idioms and lots of vocabulary if we don't know the basic verb tenses, we'll revise The Present Perfect Simple

Present Perfect Simple

[has/have + past participle]

You have seen that movie many times.
Have you seen that movie many times?
You have not seen that movie many times.

USE 1:
Unspecified Time Before Now
We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important.

You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc.

We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.
Have you read the book yet?
Nobody has ever climbed that mountain.
A: Has there ever been a war in the United States?

USE 2:

Duration From the Past Until Now

I have had a cold for two weeks.
She has been in England for six months.
Mary has loved chocolate since she was a little girl.

Verb Tense Exercise 5 Simple Past and Present Perfect
Verb Tense Exercise 6 Simple Past and Present Perfect
Verb Tense Exercise 12 Simple Past, Present Perfect, and Past Perfect


A list of Common Mistakes in Written English (1) Prepositions

Common mistakes with Prepositions:

wrong use of ‘at’ after ‘come’:

‘They come home’
‘We can follow the evolution of her state of mind through the description of the house’

wrong use of ‘‘with’ instead of ‘to’:

‘Daisy is married to Tom’

wrong use of ‘to’ instead of ‘with’

‘The problem I am confronted with’

wrong use of ‘during’ instead of ‘for’:

‘She has not seen her son for eight years’

wrong use of ‘since’ instead of ‘for’:

‘They have known each other for eight years’

wrong use of ‘in the whole of’ instead of ‘throughout’:

‘throughout the story…’

wrong use of ‘in’ instead of ‘inside’ :

‘She is unaware of the conflict happening inside her’

wrong use of ‘in’ instead of ‘into’:

‘She only wants to get into her son’s room’

wrong use of ‘as’ instead of ‘like’:

‘She felt like a stranger’

wrong use of ‘of’ instead of ‘with’:

‘They cause Mrs Carnavon to be disgusted with herself’

wrong use of ‘of’ instead of ‘by’:

‘In this story by Doris Lessing…’

wrong use of ‘of’ instead of ‘for’:

‘I think there are two reasons for the fact that she decides to clear the room’
‘She feels confused, and the reason for this is to be found in…’

wrong use of ‘that’ instead of ‘as’:

‘The second waiter feels the same as the old man’

wrong use of ‘to’ instead of ‘with’ after ‘confront’:

‘They are confronted with an inextricable situation’

wrong use of ‘to’ instead of ‘at’ after ‘arrive’:

‘She must arrive at a decision’

wrong use of ‘explain’ without ‘to’:

‘This story explains to us how we must look beyond the appearance of things’

wrong use of ‘say’ without ‘to’:

‘He said to him/told him that he liked the house’

wrong use of ‘present’ without ‘with’:

‘John O’Hara presents us with the evolution of a mother’s state of mind’

This tool is really useful... in Learning English

Spellchecker.net is a web which allos you to check everything you write: Spelling, Grammar mistakes, vocabulary... In that way you can improve your English by your own. This resource will check your texts as if you had a personal teacher by your side!! Recomendamos esta página web para comprobar vuestras oraciones y textos en Inglés, este programa corrige y proporciona sugerencias a la hora de traducir un texto al Inglés. Nos dice si la oración es gramatical, si hay algún fallo de Spelling, etc.


Leona Lewis


More music to learn English!! can you translate it?


Name: Leona Louise LewisKnown As: Leona Lewis

Date of Birth: 01/04/1985

Age: 23

Place of Birth: Islington, London

Marital Status: Long-term Relationship


Leona Lewis was born in Islington, London in 1985 to Joe and Marie. She is the middle child of three, with two brothers, Kyle and Bradley. They grew up in Highbury and went to school at Ambler Primary School in Finsbury Park. Leona wrote her first song at the age of 12, and at the age of 13, she won the Lady D under-18 talent show at the Hackney Empire. She attended the Sylvia Young Stage School and the Brit academy. Although her big passion is singing, she is also a keen dancer and actor. Before auditioning for The X Factor, Lewis recorded an album of her own songs called Twilight, but the album was never released.

Leona lives in Hackney. She has been with her fiancé for over 4 years. Prior to winning The X Factor she worked as a receptionist for a chiropody surgery in Stoke Newington High Street. She also worked in Pizza Hut as a waitress.Leona Lewis won the X Factor in 2006 and her single, "A Moment Like This," broke a world record after it was downloaded fifty thousand times in thirty minutes. The single was also the 2006 Christmas number one.

Leona's second single, "Bleeding Love," was also extremely successful and reached number one in around seven countries and stayed at the top of the UK charts for seven weeks. Leona's debut album, "Spirit" became the UK's fastest selling debut album, and Ireland’s fastest selling album of all time.

Lyrics | Leona Lewis - Better In Time lyrics

Profesores CAL . Curso de Adaptación Lingüística para centros Bilingües

These expressions are addressed to those teachers who are teaching their subject( Maths, Biology, Social Science...) in the English language. I will add more expressions and tips in the following days.


Classroom Language: Simple instructions

Here are some common instructions which the class can easily understand:

Come in.
Go out.
Stand up.
Sit down.
Come to the front of the class.
Stand by your desks.
Put your hands up.
Put your hands down.
Hold your books/pens up.
Show me your pencil.

A number of instructions can be used at the beginning of a session, and as the semester continues:

Pay attention, everybody.
You need pencils/rulers.
We'll learn how to ...
Are you ready?
Open your books at page ...
Turn to page ...
Look at acitivity five.
Listen to this tape.
Repeat after me.
Again, please.
Everybody ...
you have five minutes to do this.
Who's next?
Like this, not like that.

A number of instructions can be used at the end of a session, and as the semester continues:

It's time to finish.
Have you finsihed?
Let's stop now.
Stop now.
Let's check the answers.
Any questions?
Collect your work please.
Pack up your books.
Are your desks tidy?
Don't forget to bring your ... tomorrow.
Instructions can also be sequenced:
After that

Comprehension language:

Are you ready?
Are you with me?
Are you OK?
OK so far?
Do you get it?
Do you understand?
Do you follow me?
What did you say?
One more time, please.
Say it again, please.
I don't understand.
I don't get it.
Like this?
Is this OK?


High School Musical 3

High School Musical 3: Senior Year is the third installment in Disney's High School Musical film franchise. Its theatrical release in the United States began on October 24, 2008. Kenny Ortega returns as director and choreographer, as do all six primary actors.

This latest sequel follows high school seniors Troy and Gabriella, who are faced with the ultimate prospect of being separated from one another as they go off in different directions after graduating from East High. Joined by the rest of their Wildcat friends, they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes, and fears about the future.

In its first 3 days, High School Musical 3: Senior Year grossed $42 million in North America and an additional $40 million overseas, breaking the record for the largest opening weekend for a musical film.
External links:

Lyrics | High School Musical 3 - Can I Have This Dance lyrics

High School Musical 3 : now or never
by topparents

Lyrics | High School Musical 3 - Now Or Never lyrics

Official site
High School Musical 3: Senior Year at the Internet Movie Database
High School Musical 3: Senior Year at Allmovie
High School Musical 3: Senior Year at Box Office Mojo


Compulsory Reading for 4 ESO (2nd Term)

Ellis Peters, A Morbid Taste for Bones

A Morbid Taste for Bones, the first chronicle of brother Cadfael, is the first medieval mystery in a series which narrates the adventures of Cadfael, an unusual monk who joined monastic life and the Benedictine abbey of Shrewsbury, England, late in life. Cadfael has lived an adventurous life: he has taken part to the Crusades and known many women, before deciding to take the vows as a form of retirement, looking for the quietude of monastic life and the industrious pleasure of gardening.

Soon the quietude is broken and adventure presents itself again to Cadfael, in the form of a strange illness and a dubious miracle. Brother Columbanus, prone to holy visions and of weak health, falls dramatically in the middle of chapter and seems unable to recover his senses thereafter. The following night, Brother Jerome, who would do anything to please prior Robert, the head of the abbey, has a convenient dream: Winifred, an obscure Welsh saint, will cure brother Columbanus, if he is brought to the place where the saint was beheaded. Everybody views this as an excellent omen, since prior Robert had been desperately looking for the unclaimed relics of a saint after a “rival” abbey had acquired their own.

One trip to Holywell restores Columbanus’s health. From then on, there is no reason to delay another trip to Gwytherin, in Wales, where the saint is buried, in order to claim her. Cadfael, who is Welsh himself, manages to be part of the voyage, and also obtains for Brother John, a young man whose vocation he questions, to come along. Once the congregation has obtained the authorization from both temporal and spiritual authorities, there is no impediment to their holy quest… or at least they think.

In the midst of passions raised by the holy bones, a death occurs, that will keep brother Cadfael guessing, enquiring and setting up traps in order to find the murderer. Among these proud and outspoken Welsh people, Cadfael will uncover hidden passions and secrets. In an age of piety and miracles, the truth will be harder to uncover without the help of forensic sciences, but Cadfael’s deductive mind and cunning will do the trick.

I really enjoyed A Morbid Taste For Bones. First of all because of the originality of the monk-detective and the XIIth century context (Umberto Eco has not invented the monk-detective: Cadfael was created 3 years before The Name of the Rose was published). Unlike The Name of the Rose, A Morbid Taste for Bones has no pretense at erudition, though it is full of accurate historical information. It is also full of humor and wit. Of course, it is not as satisfying as Eco’s masterpiece but it is an enjoyable reading nonetheless. It is also a good whodunit: not the best whodunit ever, but the ending presents an interesting complication.

I will definitely read more Brother Cadfael chronicles…



Due to the interest of my students I have posted this entry about Jack-o-lantern. Debido al enorme interés de mis alumnos con la historia de Jack-o-lantern, aquí tenéis un anticipo...

History of the Jack-o-Lantern
People have been making jack-o-lanterns at Halloween for centuries. The practice originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed "Stingy Jack." According to the story, Stingy Jack invited the Devil to have a drink with him. True to his name, Stingy Jack didn't want to pay for his drink, so he convinced the Devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks. Once the Devil did so, Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silver cross, which prevented the Devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the Devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that, should Jack die, he would not claim his soul. The next year, Jack again tricked the Devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit. While he was up in the tree, Jack carved a sign of the cross into the tree's bark so that the Devil could not come down until the Devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years.
Soon after, Jack died. As the legend goes, God would not allow such an unsavory figure into heaven. The Devil, upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul, would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved out turnip and has been roaming the Earth with it ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as "Jack of the Lantern," and then, simply "Jack O'Lantern."
In Ireland and Scotland, people began to make their own versions of Jack’s lanterns by carving scary faces into turnips or potatoes and placing them into windows or near doors to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wandering evil spirits. In England, large beets are used. Immigrants from these countries brought the jack o’lantern tradition with them when they came to the United States. They soon found that pumpkins, a fruit native to America, make perfect jack o’lanterns.
Source: The History Channelhttp://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/halloween/pumpkin.html


Talking about the WEATHER (el Tiempo)

Talking about the weather:

Talking about the weather is an excellent way to start a conversation (speech starter) with new people. Hablar del tiempo siempre ha constituido una excelente excusa para empezar una conversación con desconocidos. A los británicos, en especial, les encanta hablar del tiempo, así que podemos practicar nuestro Inglés de esta manera. Más abajo he incluido algunas expresiones útiles para desarrollar una conversación.
The first thing you notice when talking about the weather in Spanish is the use of "hace" and "hay" whereas in English we use "to be"
EG: It is sunny = Hace sol (literally it makes sun)It is hot = Hace calorIt is very windy - Hace / Hay mucho viento.

Asking about the weather:

what’s the weather like? = "¿qué tiempo hace?" or "¿cómo está el tiempo?"


there’s been a change in the weather ------ha cambiado el tiempo.
it looks like it's going to rain-------parece que va a llover.
the bad weather is still with us-----seguimos con mal tiempo
weather permitting ----------si hace buen tiempo
I don’t like the look of the weather---------no me gusta cómo se está poniendo el tiempo
a clear sky/day------un cielo/día despejado
a cloudburst, a downpour --------un chaparrón
a hailstorm------una granizada a flash of lightning-------un relámpago
a flood -----------una inundación
a stormy day-------- un día tormentoso
a streak of lightning ---------un rayo
a sunny day ----------un día soleado
a thundercloud --------un nubarrón
to rain cats and dogs --llover a cántaros
dew --------el rocío
It's chilly today--------- hace fresquito hoy
fog -----la niebla
to ride out the storm --------capear el temporal
a weather vane ------una veleta
a heat wave-------- una ola de calor
hailstones ----------los granizos, las piedras de granizo
he was struck by lightning ------le cayó un rayo
it’s cloudy -------hace nubes or está nublado
it’s drizzling -------está lloviznando
it’s foggy ----------hay niebla
it’s raining ---------está lloviendo
it’s snowing --------está nevado
it’s windy ---------hace viento, está ventoso
scattered showers ---------chubascos aislados
the outlook for tomorrow --------la previsión del tiempo para mañana
to clear up -----------despejar


Tourism Australia

The land area of Australia is 7.69 million square kilometres, making Australia only slightly smaller than the USA mainland.

Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent, the major island of Tasmania and numerous other islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Neighbouring countries include Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia to the northeast, and New Zealand to the southeast. Australia is the only single country to occupy an entire continent.
Prior to European settlement in the late 1700s and early 1800s, the Australian mainland was inhabited by around 250 individual nations of indigenous Australians who lived sustainably on the land for around 40,000 years. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and then European discovery by Dutch explorers in 1606, the eastern half of Australia was later claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation to the colony of New South Wales, commencing on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established during the 19th century.
On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm. The capital city is Canberra, located in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The population is just over 21.3 million, with approximately 60% of the population concentrated in and around the mainland state capitals of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide.
Travel Information:

Here in Australia our currency is Australian Dollars (AUD). We also accept American Express, Bankcard, Diners Club, MasterCard, Visa, JCB and their affiliates. Currency exchange is available at banks, hotels and international airports. Try this handy web tool for International Currency.

Health and Safety

Take advantage of our many beaches but always remember to follow basic water safety. Always swim or surf at patrolled beaches between the red and yellow flags which mark the safest area for swimming.The emergency number is 000.All travellers to Australia or any country should consider health insurance.

Our country code is 61. We have service for all mobile (cell) phones. Internet access is available at many Internet cafes, accommodation and libraries.Australia Post offices are usually open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and some are open on Saturday morning from 9am to 12pm.The electrical current in Australia is 220-240 volts, AC 50Hz. The Australian three‑pin power outlet is different from some other countries so you may need an adaptor.
Australia's domestic airlines provide extensive coverage allowing you to hop quickly between cities and sights. If you prefer a more leisurely pace, travel by rail or road. Australia has an enormous network of well-maintained roads and highways with some of the most beautiful road touring in the world

Shopping plays a large part of travelling. Whether you are shopping or sightseeing, there is always a place to shop or purchase souvenirs. In Australia you are covered by Australia's consumer protection laws which require businesses to treat you fairly.

Accessible Travel
If you have a disability and are planning to explore Australia, there is a host of services and special deals to meet your needs. Make your travel agent aware of your needs and have a look at the NICAN site for in depth information on Australia meeting accessible travel needs. The Australia For All website allows visitors to search for accommodation and tourism venues which cater for the requirements of people with disabilities.


The Australian summer from Dec-Feb is warm and sunny and you can enjoy lazy days on the beach and typical Aussie meals cooked on the barbecue. Summer is the rainy season in our tropical regions in the north that brings our lush rainforests to life. Spring and autumn are mild and are the best seasons for bush walks and discovering nature. The Australian winter Jun-Aug is generally mild, but offers snow on the snow fields in the southern mountain regions. At the same time our northern states have balmy 24 degrees Celsius temperatures.
Sites and Webs to find information about tourism in Australia:

Páginas de interés:

Este post está creado para ayudar a mis alumnos de 4 ESO con el project de cultura Inglesa. I hope it's been of help.


50 adjectives to describe the personality

50 Adjetivos para describir a las personas

ambitious ambicioso
annoying pesado
argumentative, quarrelsome discutidor
bad-tempered malhumorado
big-headed creído, engreído
bitchy de mala leche, venenoso;
brave valiente
cantankerous cascarrabias
carefree despreocupado
careless descuidado, poco cuidadoso
cautious prudente, cauteloso, cauto;
charming encantador
cheerful alegre, jovial;
conceited, full of oneself presumido
conservative conservador
conventional convencional
cowardly cobarde
crazy, nuts loco, chiflado
cruel cruel
dull, boring soso, aburrido
flirtatious coqueta
friendly amigable, simpático, agradable
generous generoso
hard-working trabajador
honest honesto
kind amable
laid-back tranquilo, relajado
lazy perezoso, vago
loyal fiel
mean tacaño
modest modesto
moody de humor cambiante
naive ingenuo, inocentón
naughty (children) malo, travieso (niños)
narrow-minded: de mentalidad cerrada, intolerante;
pious piadoso
polite cortés, educado
proud orgulloso
reliable: he’s a very reliable person fiable, confiable: es una persona en la que se puede confiar
self-confident: to be self-confident seguro de sí mismo: tener confianza en sí mismo
selfish egoísta
sensible sensato, prudente;
sensitive sensible
shy - introverted tímido, vergonzoso - introvertido
strict estricto, severo, riguroso
stubborn terco, testarudo, tozudo
sympathetic (understanding) comprensivo
talkative conversador, hablador
trustworthy digno de confianza
two-faced falso
weird raro, extraño


Halloween Performance / Representación de Halloween de alumnos Bilingüismo, IES María Zambrano curso 2008-2009

Alumnos 1 ESO B representando la 'Historia de Halloween' / The Story of Halloween 30/10/08

Halloween stories

Attention: Reading these stories alone may be very scary!
Her Mother’s Hands
by B.D.. Knox

Frankie sat in the kitchen, listening to her mother rattle on, as always. She looked down at her hands, they always seemed to have a life of their own and it frightened her. They were always crawling into places they didn’t belong, always touching things that they shouldn’t and always hurting her, pinching her, digging their sharp little nails into her flesh.

She watched as her mother spoke to her, not hearing what she said but watching her mother’s hands as they moved, using a sharp chef’s knife to cut the meat for stew that was to be dinner. The hands rose and fell, the knife glinted with the sun light coming in through the kitchen window. Rich red stained the blade, as the blood from the meat ran along it’s edge and dripped on to the cutting board, poling and running over the edge to the counter top.

Frankie looked at her own hands again, they lay silently in her lap for a change. They looked just like her mother’s hands but younger and much more vicious. Her mother’s hands could hurt, too, a slap to the face, a punch in the stomach occasionally but Frankie knew that her own hands could do far worse.
"Frankie! Pay attention when I speak to you! You doing that staring thing again, you have to snap out of this! You don’t want to go back to that nut house again, do you?"
"No, mother."
"Then stop acting like this, are you taking your medication when I give it to you?"
"Yes, mother." Frankie lied, she was hiding the pills in a drawer in her room. Saving them up for a rainy day .......... or a sunny one for that matter.
As her mother's voice droned on, Frankie still stared at her hands. They seemed to be speaking to each other, the fingers tangled together, caressing each other, her fingers and hands were friends. She, herself, had no friends as her mother loved to point out to her daily. Frankie thought about just exactly how she felt about her mother dispite what she told her doctor when she saw him. Looking back down at her hands, she watched as they started to move, like snakes, towards the back of her mother’s apron. She jerked them back as she noticed her mother turning around to look at her again.
"Are you listening to me, Frankie? I said that I’m having a friend, Mrs. Luth from thye senior center, over for dinner tonight, so you take your food to your room and stay there till I say you can come back out! Is that clear?"
"Yes, mother, it’s very clear. It's crystal clear ....... "
Frankie's voice faded off as her hands started to reach for the back of mother’s apron strings again. Frankie had no idea what they were going to do, she just sat and watched, an innocent by-stander at the mercy of her hands. She watched her mother’s hands, they, too, seemed to live on their own. Mother kept talking, her hands kept doing there work like good little soldiers.
Mother turned to look at Frankie. Frankie was mesmerized by the look of her own hands as they moved towards her mother. Mother dropped the knife and backed away from Frankie. Her hands went up to her face in surprise. The last time Frankie touched her, she sent Frankie packing, in a straight jacket for a nice vacation at Mescatonic Asylum. It took almost as long as Frankie's visit for her own brusies to go away.
"Frankie! What are you doing? Don’t you dare touch me! You know what will happen! I swear I'll call Dr. West right now!"
"Sorry, Mother. I didn’t mean to do it, you know how my hands are, they just "do" things."
"Talk like that will get you right back to the hospital again, do you want me to call Dr. West?"
"Don’t threaten me, mother, I don’t care anymore anyway."
"Look at your hands! You’ve been scrubbing them again! Why, they are beet red and bleeding! Let me see your palms!"
Frankie’s hands turned themselves over to show the palms, deep gouges in them, an ugly red with blood drying at the edges. Suddenly, the hands balled up into fists and struck out, hitting mother in the nose.
"Frankie!" her mother cried out, shocked and backing away, wiping the suddenly spurting blood away from her broken nose and on to her apron.
"Mother! It wasn’t me, the hands did it! I didn’t hit you!"
"Oh! That’s it, young lady! I’m calling Dr. West, he can come and get you and take you back to that institution again! I’m washing my hands of you!"

Frankie could only hear a high pitched screeching in her head, her mother's words were lost to her. Her hands had started to claw at her face, leaving rivers of blood flowing running down her already scared cheeks. The buzzing screech in her head was getting louder but the pain in har face started to ground her again.

Suddenly, her mother’s screams snapped her out of her little world of pain and buzzing, her hands suddenly in front of her, bloody fingers grasping something that she couldn't see. She looked at her mother only to see her mothers hands clawing at mother's throat, trying to pull themsleves away. Mother had four hands. But that couldn't be, that was silly. Looking again, she saw her mothers' own fingers digging into her own flesh, cutting off breath and blood in a crushing grip.

Her mother's hands seemed to be out of control, mother couldn’t get them away from her own throat. Frankie and her mother suddenly fell to the floor, mothers' face swollen and gone purple, tongue bulging out of her mouth. Her body flopped like a fish out of water, jerking, trying to get a last gasp of air to save her. But the hands held on even tighter. The hand’s knuckles had gone white from the intense pressure they had on her throat, digging in deep into mother’s soft, fleshy neck.

Then mother lay still, all life gone out of her. The hands released their prey and a last dead gasp of breath rushed from the body. Frankie just sat there next to her on the floor, absorbing all that she had seen, her own hands now softly stroking her own face. She was suddenly very tired, more tired then she had ever been before. As she started to doze off, a panic grabbed her, adrenalin hit her stomach in a burning flash, her head started to spin.

She always knew she had her mother's hands and look what mother's hands had just done to her mother. All this time she thought she was insane. Maybe she wasn't at all. Her hands did have a life of their own, just like mothers. She now knew what she had to do. Getting up, she walked to the sink. She looked down and saw the open maw of the garbage disposal, black and deep, staring back at her.

Frankie started to ram both hands into the disposal but the fingers hung on to the edges, not letting her carry out her task. She knew she would have to do something before her hands took control of themselves completely and did to her what they had just done to her mother.

Wait, what had she just thought? Her hands didn't kill her mother, did they? Her mothers own hands did it. Didn't they? But she had her mothers' hands. She turned to look at her mother, now quiet and cooling on the floor. Frankie wasn't sure of anything anymore. She started thinking that maybe she should have been taking her pills after all. But first, she had to deal with her hands.

Frankie walked to the door from the kitchen into the garage. An old fashioned heavy wooden garage door that had to be lifted manually still remained even after Frankie's constant picking that they needed to get one of those light weight motorized ones. Now she was glad that mother never listened.

She opened the door half way, putting the rope pull in her teeth and biting down hard. Her fingers were now on the cement floor, right in the path of the door. Frankie yanked down hard and the door came sailing down, crushing her offending hands. Frankie passed out.

She awoke when she heard a noise outside, someone was knocking on the front door and calling out to her mother. Frankie remembered her mother was having a friend over for dinner. Quickly, she got up, ignoring the throbbing pain of her hands. Frankie ran for the kitchen sink. Remembering to turn the water on, like mother always told her to do, she used her mouth to grasp the knob. She used her nose to flip the "On" switch for the disposal.
Slowly, she started to make her hands go into that hole, feeling her finger tips hit the blades, a blinding flash of pain as the blades started to cut through bone, tearing flesh. Further, she stuffed her hands into the running disposal.

The last thing she heard was a far off scream as Mrs. Luth ran into the kitchen and took in the scene before her. As loss of blood started to make her vision fade to a comforting shade of red, she knew this was the right thing to do. After all, she had her mother’s hands, didn't she?
© 1997 B.D. Knox

More Terror Stories:

The Girl in the New Dress.
Laura gazed longingly at the ocean blue floral print dress displayed in Tilly’s Boutique window. It’s just perfect, she thought.She went in the store and strode over to the counter. On a shelf above the cash register a portable radio played a song that tugged her heart string. When the lady behind the counter asked Laura if she could help her, she said that she would like to try on the blue dress in the window... (read the complete story pressing the title)
The Skeleton
At the end of a long corridor under a forgotten Philadelphia basement, Jeremiah opened his eyes and sat up. For the first time since the Middle Ages, he awoke without precise knowledge of why he had been roused. He knew he had to open The Shop--that went without saying. The question was: Which of the many items above wanted to go out into the world?... (press the title)
Magicians of Night
Wicked Dreams
The Halloween feast