Top 10 New Year's Resolutions
1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
Recent polls conducted by General Nutrition Centers, Quicken, and others shows that more than 50% of Americans vow to appreciate loved ones and spend more time with family and friends this year.
2. Fit in Fitness
The evidence is in for fitness. Regular exercise has been associated with more health benefits than anything else known to man. Studies show that it reduces the risk of some cancers, increases longevity, helps achieve and maintain weight loss, enhances mood, lowers blood pressure, and even improves arthritis. In short, exercise keeps you healthy and makes you look and feel better.
3. Tame the Bulge
Over 66 percent of adult Americans are considered overweight or obese by recent studies, so it is not surprising to find that weight loss is one of the most popular New Year's resolutions. Setting reasonable goals and staying focused are the two most important factors in sticking with a weight loss program, and the key to success for those millions of people who made a New Year's commitment to shed extra pounds.
4. Quit Smoking
If you have resolved to make this the year that you stamp out your smoking habit, over-the-counter availability of nicotine replacement therapy now provides easier access to proven quit-smoking aids. Even if you've tried to quit before and failed, don't let it get you down. On average, smokers try about four times before they quit for good.
5. Enjoy Life More
Given the hectic, stressful lifestyles of millions of people, it is no wonder that "enjoying life more" has become a popular resolution in recent years. It's an important step to a happier and healthier you! Take up a new hobby or try your hand at skiing. Go to a theater performance, or head to the local spa.
6. Quit Drinking
While many people use the New Year as an incentive to finally stop drinking, most are not equipped to make such a drastic lifestyle change all at once. Many heavy drinkers fail to quit cold turkey but do much better when they taper gradually, or even learn to moderate their drinking. If you have decided that you want to stop drinking, there is a world of help and support available.
7. Get Out of Debt
Was money a big source of stress in your life last year? Join the millions of people who have resolved to spend this year getting a handle on their finances. It's a promise that will repay itself many times over in the year ahead.
8. Learn Something New
Have you vowed to make this year the year to learn something new? Perhaps you are considering a career change, want to learn a new language, or just how to fix your computer? Whether you take a course or read a book, you'll find education to be one of the easiest, most motivating New Year's resolutions to keep.
9. Help Others
A popular, non-selfish New Year's resolution, volunteerism can take many forms. Whether you choose to spend time helping out at your local library, mentoring a child, or building a house, there are many nonprofit volunteer organizations that could really use your help.
10. Get Organized
On just about every New Year resolution top ten list, organization can be a very reasonable goal. Whether you want your home organized enough that you can invite someone over on a whim, or your office organized enough that you can find the stapler when you need it, these tips and resources should get you started on the way to a more organized life.
By Albrecht Powell, About.com Guide
This is a video about New Year's Resolutions:
All I want for Christmas is You by MILEY CYRUS
Christmas Alphabet Song
From: A little brit of us!
Jingle Bells, christmas carols 1 ( LOL)
Once you've learnt the first version by heart, try the second and fastest one!! you dare?
To BE/GET used to

Ambos refieren al presente y van seguidos de un gerundio.
To be used to: Estar acostumbrado hacer algo . (When we always do something in the same way)
To get used to: Acostumbrarse a hacer algo.(When we do something too many times in a especial way, that becomes normal for us)
To be used to - estar acostumbrado a
Estábamos acostumbrados al clima soleado de la costa.
El señor Jones no estaba acostumbrado a todo ese lujo.
I am not used to travelling by plane.
No estoy acostumbrado a viajar en avión.
La gente se acostumbra a las nuevas tecnologías.
Paul nunca se acostumbró a vivir en el campo.
Me estaba acostumbrando a trabajar con Michael.

Many students of mine ask me about this question again and again, I'm going to clarify it.
The news today are always full of stories about people who are unhappy.
The news today is always full of stories about people who are unhappy.
The correct entry: is
The error was: are
The noun news is always regarded as singular, it has singular agreement although it's plural. Don't forget.
Matisse - Better than her (song)
Get Married/ Be married / Marry

to marry (someone)- this is the general verb. It is the time when people come together as husband and wife. Do not say I married with someone. It is not correct. And do not say I married to someone. It is also incorrect.
Correct example: I married Sam 3 years ago.
to get married- this talks about the time two people got married. It makes us think of the wedding.
Correct example: I got married.
to get married to (someone)- We think of who was married in the wedding. Do not say I got married with someone. It is incorrect.
Correct example: I got married to Sam.
to get married in (someplace)- We think of where the wedding took place.
Correct Example: I got married in Hawaii.
to be married- This means a state of being. Are you married or are you single?
Correct Example: I am married.
to be married (to someone)- Also state of being. But who is married to you?
Correct Example: I am married to Sam.
Conclusion- When you use to marry or to get married, think about the wedding. When you use to be married, think about the person's life now.
Note:When I see "marry with" I automatically assume that person is a non-native speaker of English, because no one else ever uses that phrasing in the sense of being married to someone.
I have seen it where the 'with' is introducing a prepositional phrase (We will marry with parental consent) but NEVER followed by the person (I am married with Tom). That is considered an incorrect usage (regardless of whether or not it is actually grammatically correct).
Check Your Understanding
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of marry. Check your answers in the comments of the post.
1. Is Jim single or married? He___________ .
2. Who did he marry? He____________ Susan.
3. Where did he get married? He_________________ London.
4. Is Anna single? No, she____________ .
5. Who is Anna married to? She_______________ Juan.
6. What is Jolene going to do this Saturday? She is going to_________ Mike.
Some of The commonest phrasal verbs in English

These are some of the commonest phrasal verbs in English add them to your spoken English to sound more natural in English!!
Carry on – this phrasal verb is very similar to “go on”. Just like “go on” it means “to continue” but it’s usually used in phrases like “Let’s carry on” or “You can carry on without me”.
Chase up – a very handy way of saying “to find, to seek out”. For instance, you’ve been assigned a particular task, but some necessary files are missing. You can say “I’ll chase up those files” meaning you’ll go and see where those files are. You can also chase up a person – “I’ll chase up Frank because I need his help with homework and no-one else has an idea how to do it!”
Come across – to find something by chance or to encounter something unexpectedly. If you found an interesting article online and you’re telling your friend about it, you can say: “You know, I came across this article online where they’ve done research on…”
Come up with – this is a very useful phrasal verb if you usually find it hard to describe the fact when someone has told you about a new plan or a good idea. You might be struggling with phrases like – “He created a good plan” or “She produced a brand new solution” or even – “I devised a new idea on how to…” Native English speakers would simply say “She came up with a brand new solution” so you can start using this phrasal verb!
Fall apart – describes when something falls into pieces. Let’s say you’re wrapping an awkward package and you’re struggling with it. You can say “The whole thing just keeps falling apart, I can’t wrap it; can you help me?” This is another phrasal verb foreigners don’t normally use and if you start using it on similar occasions you’ll find it much easier to describe the situation!
Get along – means to have a good relationship with someone. You can say “Do you get along with Mary from the accounting?” if you want to ask that person if he/she is in good terms with Mary. Another sample sentence - “I don’t get along with Mark, I didn’t like him from the very first day I met him!”
Get away with – means to avoid being punished for not having done something or for breaching rules. A typical phrase you can start using right away is “Did you think you can get away with this?” if you’ve caught someone having done something you’re very unhappy about.
Get over – if you can’t accept something that’s happened in your life and you can’t stop thinking about it, you can say - “It’s very hard for me to get over it.” And if you want to lift someone’s spirits and say that it’s not such a big deal after all, you can say: “Common, get over it, it’s not as bad as it looks!”
Give up – use this phrasal verb when speaking about resolution you’ve stopped pursuing or expectations that are most likely to remain unfulfilled. “I gave up my New Year’s diet; I just couldn’t stick to it.” “I’ve given up hope of getting a better job.”
Go on! – This is a typical way of telling someone to begin a particular action or resume doing something. If you can’t wait on someone to start telling an interesting story, you’d exclaim in excitement – “Go on, go on!” You can also use “go on” if you, for instance, are writing down figures your co-worker is calling out for you. Every time you’re ready to put the next figure down you can use the phrasal verb “go on” to let your partner know that he can call out the next figure.
Hold on! – Literally “hold on” means to hold on to something. Most common use of this phrasal verb, however, is when you want to tell someone to stop doing something or to wait until you’re ready to proceed with the initial action. Foreigners usually use “Stop!” and “Wait!” instead; “hold on” is more natural in spoken English.
Look after – means “to take care of” and is used a lot in communications between supervisors and employees at work. Typically your boss would ask you “Can you look after this order for me?” So if you want to sound more natural and friendly, don’t say things like “I’m responsible for this customer”. “I’m looking after this customer” is the best way of putting it.
Look up – to find something in a phone book, on the Internet or any other reference media. This is a very handy phrasal verb to use in sentences like “Can you look up their address on the Net?”
Make out – to recognize, to distinguish details of something. “I just couldn’t make out what she was saying!” – you can say a phrase like this if the person in question spoke too fast, or with a distinct accent, or too quiet. Another sample sentence – “I can’t make out these details; can you help me with this, please?”
Pull over – if you drive a car, you can use this phrasal verb to describe an action of driving to the side of the road in order to stop. Typical application of this phrasal verb – “Can you pull over at the next petrol station?” Foreigners would most likely say “to stop at…” so if you start using “pull over” you’ll sound more natural when speaking English!
Put down – simply means “to write down.” “Hold on, I’ll put it down, let me just find a piece of paper!”
Put off – this is an informal way of saying “to postpone”, “to do later”. “I don’t want to clean my house today, I’ll put it off till tomorrow” would be a perfect example of this phrasal verb in use.
Turn up – means to arrive. You can inquire about your friend by asking “Has Michael turned up today?” if you haven’t seen him and you’re wondering if he’s come to work or school today at all.
Watch out! – you can use this phrasal verb if something endangers someone else’s safety and you want to bring that person’s attention to that object or activity. Foreigners usually use unarticulated sounds instead – like “Ahh!” or “Ohh!” simply because on occasions when a super-fast reaction is needed they can’t think of a fitting word or phrase to say.
This is the spanish translation for the verbs / A continuación se muestra la traducción al español de estos 20 verbos compuestos:
Bring up - plantear / sacar un tema
Carry on - continuar
Chase up - hacer un seguimiento
Come across - dar con / encontrase con
Come up with - proponer una idea o solución
Fall apart - desbaratar / venir abajo
Get along - llevarse bien con
Get away with - salir impune
Get over - recuperarse de / superar
Give up - darse por vencido
Go on - continuar
Hold on - decir a alguien que espere o pare
Look after - cuidar a / ocuparse de
Look up - buscar
Make out - entender / distinguir
Pull over - hacerse a un lado / detenerse
Put down - anotar / apuntar
Put off - aplazar
Turn up - acudir / presentarse / asistir
Watch out! - ¡Cuidado!
Passive Practice

Almost everyday in busy cities we can hear that there are traffic jams in the centre and drivers should choose an optimal way of getting to work or home in the evening. The word "traffic jam" is used very frequently to speak about road conjestion by vehicles.
Sometimes there are jams which stretch for several kilometres and may result in spending the whole day there because traffic does not move at all standing still, in this case we use the words traffic gridlock. A jam is where too much traffic is causing heavy congestion and movement is very slow. Gridlock is when traffic has reached such a state that no movement at all is possible.
To sum up, A jam is where too much traffic is causing heavy congestion and movement is very slow. Gridlock is when traffic has reached such a state that no movement at all is possible.
Desire Sentences (Oraciones desiderativas)

I wish I didn't have to get up so early. (ojalá no me tuviera que levantar tan temprano)
I wish I knew how to be successful.
I wish I had an older brother or sister.
I wish I went to bed earlier last night
I wish I were someone else.
I wish I lived somewhere else.
I wish I understood people better.
I wish I were still a child.
I wish I had more time to study English.
I wish I lived in another era.
I wish my parents didn't annoy me so much.
I wish I could change my life.
I wish I were more confident.
I wish I was never impolite.
I wish I were a parent.
I wish I had more skills.
TASK: Propose your wishes in the comments section of this post and translate some of them into your language !!

Leonato, a kindly, respectable nobleman, lives in the idyllic Italian town of Messina. Leonato shares his house with his lovely young daughter, Hero, his playful, clever niece, Beatrice, and his elderly brother, Antonio. As the play begins, Leonato prepares to welcome some friends home from a war. The friends include Don Pedro, a prince who is a close friend of Leonato, and two fellow soldiers: Claudio, a well-respected young nobleman, and Benedick, a clever man who constantly makes witty jokes, often at the expense of his friends. Don John, Don Pedro’s illegitimate brother, is part of the crowd as well. Don John is sullen and bitter, and makes trouble for the others.
When the soldiers arrive at Leonato’s home, Claudio quickly falls in love with Hero. Meanwhile, Benedick and Beatrice resume the war of witty insults that they have carried on with each other in the past. Claudio and Hero pledge their love to one another and decide to be married. To pass the time in the week before the wedding, the lovers and their friends decide to play a game. They want to get Beatrice and Benedick, who are clearly meant for each other, to stop arguing and fall in love. Their tricks prove successful, and Beatrice and Benedick soon fall secretly in love with each other.
But Don John has decided to disrupt everyone’s happiness. He has his companion Borachio make love to Margaret, Hero’s serving woman, at Hero’s window in the darkness of the night, and he brings Don Pedro and Claudio to watch. Believing that he has seen Hero being unfaithful to him, the enraged Claudio humiliates Hero by suddenly accusing her of lechery on the day of their wedding and abandoning her at the altar. Hero’s stricken family members decide to pretend that she died suddenly of shock and grief and to hide her away while they wait for the truth about her innocence to come to light. In the aftermath of the rejection, Benedick and Beatrice finally confess their love to one another. Fortunately, the night watchmen overhear Borachio bragging about his crime. Dogberry and Verges, the heads of the local police, ultimately arrest both Borachio and Conrad, another of Don John’s followers. Everyone learns that Hero is really innocent, and Claudio, who believes she is dead, grieves for her.
Leonato tells Claudio that, as punishment, he wants Claudio to tell everybody in the city how innocent Hero was. He also wants Claudio to marry Leonato’s “niece”—a girl who, he says, looks much like the dead Hero. Claudio goes to church with the others, preparing to marry the mysterious, masked woman he thinks is Hero’s cousin. When Hero reveals herself as the masked woman, Claudio is overwhelmed with joy. Benedick then asks Beatrice if she will marry him, and after some arguing they agree. The joyful lovers all have a merry dance before they celebrate their double wedding.
1. Who refuses to marry in the beginning of the play?
(A) Hero
(B) Don Pedro and Don John
(C) Benedick and Beatrice
(D) Hero and Claudio
2. Where and when does the play take place?
(A) England, fourteenth century
(B) Florence, fifteenth century
(C) Sicily, sixteenth century
(D) Paris, seventeenth century
3. How does Claudio woo Hero?
(A) He doesn’t; Don Pedro does
(B) He writes her a sonnet
(C) He serenades her window at night
(D) He asks her father to tell her that he loves her
4. At the beginning of the play, what is Beatrice’s relationship to Benedick?
(A) Lover
(B) Enemy
(C) Wife
(D) Sister-in-law
5. Who is Leonato?
(A) Beatrice’s father
(B) Don Pedro and Don John’s father
(C) Claudio’s father
(D) Hero’s father
6. What does Don John want?
(A) To marry Hero
(B) To make Beatrice and Benedick fall in love
(C) To ruin Claudio
(D) To kill Dogberry and Verges
7. Who carries out Don John’s plan?
(A) Balthasar and Antonio
(B) Dogberry and Verges
(C) Claudio and Don Pedro
(D) Borachio and Margaret
8. What reason does Don John give for his sullenness?
(A) Too many people have wronged him
(B) It’s in his nature
(C) It’s an act to gain sympathy
(D) He thinks that noblewomen are attracted to brooding types
9. Who is said to be “an ass”?
(A) Dogberry
(B) Borachio
(C) Verges
(D) Conrad
10. Why does Claudio reject Hero at the altar?
(A) She smells like a rotten orange
(B) He thinks she lied to him about her wealth
(C) He thinks she cheated on him and lost her virginity
(D) He decides he just isn’t ready to get married
11. Who discovers Don John’s evil plot?
(A) Benedick
(B) Margaret
(C) Leonato’s household
(D) The Watch
12. What does Leonato’s household do to punish Claudio for shaming Hero?
(A) He pretends Hero is dead and challenges Claudio to a duel
(B) He drives Claudio out of town
(C) He violently beats Claudio
(D) Absolutely nothing at all
13. Which two characters write love sonnets?
(A) Claudio and Don Pedro
(B) Claudio and Hero
(C) Beatrice and Benedick
(D) Don Pedro and Beatrice
14. To whom does Don Pedro propose marriage?
(A) Hero
(B) Ursula
(C) Beatrice
(D) Margaret
15. Why is Margaret mistaken for Hero?
(A) She is wearing a mask
(B) She is wearing Hero’s makeup
(C) She is wearing a red sash
(D) She is wearing Hero’s clothes
16. Which character is sad at the end of the play?
(A) Don Pedro
(B) Don John
(C) Benedick
(D) Hero
17. What makes Claudio realize that he wrongly accused Hero?
(A) A note that she left him
(B) His utter remorse at having publicly shamed her
(C) Leonato’s harsh reprimands
(D) Borachio’s confession of Don John’s plot
18. When was this play probably first performed?
(A) 1850s
(B) 1580s
(C) 1623
(D) 1599
19. How do Don Pedro and Claudio make Benedick fall in love with Beatrice?
(A) They convince him of her virtues
(B) They have him overhear their conversation in which they assert that she is in love with him
(C) They force him to spend one evening locked in a room alone with her
(D) They insult, humiliate, and belittle him until he agrees to love her
20. Have Beatrice and Benedick courted before?
(A) Yes, but Benedick left her
(B) No, because they’re enemies
(C) Yes, but Beatrice left him
(D) They had a blind date when they were younger, but neither of them was interested
21. Why is it necessary for Hero to seem to die?
(A) Because she is very tired and worn out
(B) Because she is pregnant
(C) Because her reputation has been publicly tarnished
(D) Because she cheated on Claudio
22. What term best describes Dogberry’s verbal comedy?
(A) Slapstick
(B) Malapropism
(C) Witty banter
(D) Hyperbole
23. What is Balthasar’s song in Act II, scene iii about?
(A) The infidelity of men
(B) The infidelity of women
(C) The beauty of love
(D) The wind and the rain
24. What does the “savage bull” symbolize (I.i.213; V.iv.43)?
(A) Happiness in marriage
(B) A world without law
(C) A soldier’s honor
(D) The man unwilling to marry
25. Who is the most socially powerful person in the play?
(A) Leonato
(B) Beatrice
(C) Don Pedro
(D) Dogberry
KEYS: 1C,2C,3A,4B,5D,6C,7D,8B,9A,10C,11D,12A,13C,14C,15D,16A,17D,18D,19B,20A,21C,22B,23A,24D,25C

Plot Overview / RESUMEN DEL LIBRO:
In the kingdom of Illyria, a nobleman named Orsino lies around listening to music, pining away for the love of Lady Olivia. He cannot have her because she is in mourning for her dead brother and refuses to entertain any proposals of marriage. Meanwhile, off the coast, a storm has caused a terrible shipwreck. A young, aristocratic-born woman named Viola is swept onto the Illyrian shore. Finding herself alone in a strange land, she assumes that her twin brother, Sebastian, has been drowned in the wreck, and tries to figure out what sort of work she can do. A friendly sea captain tells her about Orsino’s courtship of Olivia, and Viola says that she wishes she could go to work in Olivia’s home. But since Lady Olivia refuses to talk with any strangers, Viola decides that she cannot look for work with her. Instead, she decides to disguise herself as a man, taking on the name of Cesario, and goes to work in the household of Duke Orsino.
Viola (disguised as Cesario) quickly becomes a favorite of Orsino, who makes Cesario his page. Viola finds herself falling in love with Orsino—a difficult love to pursue, as Orsino believes her to be a man. But when Orsino sends Cesario to deliver Orsino’s love messages to the disdainful Olivia, Olivia herself falls for the beautiful young Cesario, believing her to be a man. The love triangle is complete: Viola loves Orsino, Orsino loves Olivia, and Olivia loves Cesario—and everyone is miserable.
Meanwhile, we meet the other members of Olivia’s household: her rowdy drunkard of an uncle, Sir Toby; his foolish friend, Sir Andrew Aguecheek, who is trying in his hopeless way to court Olivia; Olivia’s witty and pretty waiting-gentlewoman, Maria; Feste, the clever clown of the house; and Malvolio, the dour, prudish steward of Olivia’s household. When Sir Toby and the others take offense at Malvolio’s constant efforts to spoil their fun, Maria engineers a practical joke to make Malvolio think that Olivia is in love with him. She forges a letter, supposedly from Olivia, addressed to her beloved (whose name is signified by the letters M.O.A.I.), telling him that if he wants to earn her favor, he should dress in yellow stockings and crossed garters, act haughtily, smile constantly, and refuse to explain himself to anyone. Malvolio finds the letter, assumes that it is addressed to him, and, filled with dreams of marrying Olivia and becoming noble himself, happily follows its commands. He behaves so strangely that Olivia comes to think that he is mad.
Meanwhile, Sebastian, who is still alive after all but believes his sister Viola to be dead, arrives in Illyria along with his friend and protector, Antonio. Antonio has cared for Sebastian since the shipwreck and is passionately (and perhaps sexually) attached to the young man—so much so that he follows him to Orsino’s domain, in spite of the fact that he and Orsino are old enemies.
Sir Andrew, observing Olivia’s attraction to Cesario (still Viola in disguise), challenges Cesario to a duel. Sir Toby, who sees the prospective duel as entertaining fun, eggs Sir Andrew on. However, when Sebastian—who looks just like the disguised Viola—appears on the scene, Sir Andrew and Sir Toby end up coming to blows with Sebastian, thinking that he is Cesario. Olivia enters amid the confusion. Encountering Sebastian and thinking that he is Cesario, she asks him to marry her. He is baffled, since he has never seen her before. He sees, however, that she is wealthy and beautiful, and he is therefore more than willing to go along with her. Meanwhile, Antonio has been arrested by Orsino’s officers and now begs Cesario for help, mistaking him for Sebastian. Viola denies knowing Antonio, and Antonio is dragged off, crying out that Sebastian has betrayed him. Suddenly, Viola has newfound hope that her brother may be alive.
Malvolio’s supposed madness has allowed the gleeful Maria, Toby, and the rest to lock Malvolio into a small, dark room for his treatment, and they torment him at will. Feste dresses up as "Sir Topas," a priest, and pretends to examine Malvolio, declaring him definitely insane in spite of his protests. However, Sir Toby begins to think better of the joke, and they allow Malvolio to send a letter to Olivia, in which he asks to be released.
Eventually, Viola (still disguised as Cesario) and Orsino make their way to Olivia’s house, where Olivia welcomes Cesario as her new husband, thinking him to be Sebastian, whom she has just married. Orsino is furious, but then Sebastian himself appears on the scene, and all is revealed. The siblings are joyfully reunited, and Orsino realizes that he loves Viola, now that he knows she is a woman, and asks her to marry him. We discover that Sir Toby and Maria have also been married privately. Finally, someone remembers Malvolio and lets him out of the dark room. The trick is revealed in full, and the embittered Malvolio storms off, leaving the happy couples to their celebration.
Quiz / CHECK YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE PLAY / compureba si te has enterado!
Scroll through the page to review your answers. The correct answer is highlighted in green. Your incorrect answers (if any) are highlighted in red. If you'd like to take the test over again, click the reset button at the end of the test.
1. Who is Orsino in love with at the beginning of the play?
(A) Olivia
(B) Viola
(C) Maria
(D) Malvolio
2. Complete the quote: "If music be the food of _____, play on."
(A) Sleep
(B) Sorrow
(C) Love
(D) Joy
3. Where does Twelfth Night take place?
(A) England
(B) Illyria
(C) Ruritania
(D) Denmark
4. Why is Olivia unwilling to receive any visitors?
(A) She is hideously deformed
(B) She is terribly shy
(C) She cannot speak
(D) She is in mourning for her dead brother
5. How does Viola come to be at Orsino’s court?
(A) She is shipwrecked nearby
(B) She is captured and made a slave
(C) She is invited to be a guest of Orsino
(D) She is Orsino’s daughter
6. Why is Sir Andrew Aguecheek staying at Olivia’s home?
(A) He is her uncle
(B) He is trying to court Maria
(C) He is trying to court Olivia
(D) He is Malvolio’s brother
7. How does Viola disguise herself?
(A) She puts on makeup to make herself resemble an old woman
(B) She dresses like a man
(C) She shaves her head and wears a false beard
(D) She does not disguise herself
8. What is Malvolio’s position?
(A) He is Orsino’s fool
(B) He is Viola’s butler
(C) He is Sir Toby’s butler
(D) He is Olivia’s steward
9. What is Sir Toby’s great vice?
(A) He is a drunkard
(B) He is a glutton
(C) He enjoys pornography
(D) He has no vices
10. Who does Orsino send to carry his messages to Olivia?
(A) Malvolio
(B) Feste
(C) Viola, disguised as Cesario
(D) Sebastian
11. Who does Viola fall in love with?
(A) Malvolio
(B) Orsino
(C) Sir Toby
(D) Olivia
12. Who does Olivia fall in love with?
(A) Orsino
(B) Malvolio
(C) Antonio
(D) Viola, in her disguise as Cesario
13. Who is Sebastian?
(A) Viola’s brother
(B) Orsino’s cousin
(C) Olivia’s fool
(D) Malvolio’s son
14. Who forges the letter that Malvolio thinks is from Olivia?
(A) Feste
(B) Sir Toby
(C) Maria
(D) Viola
15. What does the forged letter make Malvolio believe?
(A) That Maria is in love with him
(B) That he is going to inherit a fortune
(C) That Viola is in love with him
(D) That Olivia is in love with him
16. Who takes care of Sebastian after he is shipwrecked?
(A) Viola
(B) Feste
(C) Malvolio
(D) Antonio
17. Who challenges Cesario to a duel?
(A) Orsino
(B) Sir Andrew
(C) Malvolio
(D) Antonio
18. What does Malvolio wear in the hope of pleasing Olivia?
(A) Green leggings
(B) Women’s clothing
(C) Yellow stockings and crossed garters
(D) A red wig and silver pantaloons
19. Why does Antonio travel to Illyria?
(A) To be close to Sebastian
(B) To get revenge on Orsino
(C) To woo Olivia
(D) He does not travel
20. Why does Sir Andrew try to fight with Sebastian?
(A) He thinks that Sebastian has killed Orsino
(B) He thinks that Sebastian wants to kill Sir Toby
(C) He thinks that Sebastian is in love with Maria
(D) He thinks that Sebastian is Cesario
21. What do Sir Toby and the others do to Malvolio?
(A) They kill him
(B) They lock him in a dark room and tell him he is mad
(C) They tar and feather him
(D) They get him drunk and convince him to sing with them
22. What disguise does Feste wear when he speaks with Malvolio?
(A) Cesario
(B) Olivia
(C) Sir Topas, the curate
(D) An angel
23. Who does Olivia marry?
(A) Sebastian
(B) Antonio
(C) Orsino
(D) Malvolio
24. When he realizes that Cesario is a woman, what does Orsino do?
(A) He orders her executed
(B) He banishes her
(C) He betroths her to Antonio
(D) He decides to marry her
25. Which character does not get married (or plan to) at the end of the play?
(A) Orsino
(B) Sir Toby
(C) Sebastian
(D) Malvolio
Note: Much ado about nothing has its own post.

Conditional connectors are those linking words which show a condition in order to carry out an action. (Son aquellos que indican condición para la realización de algo.)
Some of them are: (Algunos de ellos son:)
if, whether, unless, provided, as long as, in case, in case of.
Meaning / significado :
if - si
whether - si
unless - a menos que
provided / providing - siempre que, mientras
as long as - siempre que, mientras
in case - en caso de que .
if - si
If I see him, I'll give him the message.
Si lo veo, le daré el mensaje.
¿Qué haremos si ellos no aceptan la oferta?
whether - si
No sé si ellos estarán de acuerdo en ese tema.
I wonder whether she really wants to do that.
Me pregunto si ella realmente quiere hacer eso.
unless - a menos que
No pasarás el exámen a menos que estudies más duro.
No vayas allá a menos que ellos te llamen.
provided / providing - siempre que, mientras
We'll go fishing this afternoon, provided it doesn't rain.
Iremos a pescar esta tarde, siempre que no llueva.
You can borrow my car providing you return it today.
Puedes tomar prestado mi coche siempre que lo regreses hoy.
as long as - siempre que, mientras
Te puedes quedar aquí mientras trabajes duro.
Nadie sabrá este secreto siempre que mantengas la boca cerrada.
in case - en caso de que
Call this phone number in case you get lost.
Llama a este número de teléfono en caso de que te pierdas.
We will take our umbrellas in case it rains.
Llevaremos nuestros paraguas en caso de que llueva.
(Esta canción de ABBA es perfecta para los alumnos de nivel avanzado, verán claramente la estructura de estos vervos ya que la canción repite esta construcción, constantemente.)
ABBA's song "The Day Before You Came"
Must have left my house at eight, because I always do
My train, I'm certain, left the station just when it was due
I must have read the morning paper going into town
And having gotten through the editorial, no doubt I must have frowned
I must have made my desk around a quarter after nine
With letters to be read, and heaps of papers waiting to be signed
I must have gone to lunch at half past twelve or so
The usual place, the usual bunch
And still on top of this I'm pretty sure it must have rained
The day before you came
I must have lit my seventh cigarette at half past two
And at the time I never even noticed I was blue
I must have kept on dragging through the business of the day
Without really knowing anything, I hid a part of me away
At five I must have left, there's no exception to the rule
A matter of routine, I've done it ever since I finished school
The train back home again
Undoubtedly I must have read the evening paper then
Oh yes, I'm sure my life was well within it's usual frame
The day before you came
Must have opened my front door at eight o'clock or so
And stopped along the way to buy some Chinese food to go
I'm sure I had my dinner watching something on TV
There's not, I think, a single episode of Dallas that I didn't see
I must have gone to bed around a quarter after ten
I need a lot of sleep, and so I like to be in bed by then
I must have read a while
The latest one by Marilyn French or something in that style
It's funny, but I had no sense of living without aim
The day before you came
And turning out the light
I must have yawned and cuddled up for yet another night
And rattling on the roof I must have heard the sound of rain
The day before you came
1. I explained him that I hadn't come to the lesson because I had felt sick.
2. My mother reminded me not to forget to pack my passport.
3. She denied she hadn't killed my precious little fluffy kitten.
4. He reommended I really had /ought to visit the Nritish Museum.
5. He promised me he'd marry me before the following spring .
6. He doubted if I thought he was having an affair (although he knew it sounded far-fetched)
7. I complained Mr. Bloggs his waiters were very rude.
8. She warned me not to swim (because) those were shark infested waters.
9. He ordered me to go to bed then.
10. He accused me I had stolen his jacket.
11. He enquired If there were any vacancies.
12. He pointed out that my flies were undone.
13. She mentioned that he was having a party the following weekend.
14. He forbade me not to (ever) smoke in his study.
15. He threatened taht he'd kick me so hard ... taht I'd spend ... of my life... if I didn't shut up.
16. She asked if she could kiss me.
17. She begged (for) a kiss / she begged if she could kiss me.
18. He agreed that he'd do the...
19. He permitted me to borrow his bike but just that once.
20. He admitted it was he who had shown my pictures with that girl to my girlfriend.
Here you're the magnificents notes you should have written down in our English class, anyway I know you were paying attention ; so, it's time to study now!
For the rest of you , I think they're really useful and I tried to explain the Indirect speech as clear and easy as possible.
Reported Speech
Who is the “Jack” in “Jack O’ Lantern?”
The British can claim ownership of the original use of the phrase “jack-o’-lantern.” In the 17th century, it referred to a night watchman, a man who literally carried a lantern.
But it was also a nickname for strange, flickering lights seen at night over wetlands, or peat bogs, and mistaken to be fairies or ghosts. This natural phenomenon is also called ignis fatuus, which means “fool’s fire,” and will o’ the wisp.
Eventually what was called a “turnip lantern” became known as a jack-o’-lantern. Young boys used these hollowed-out and lit-up gourds to spook people.

Legend has it that this use of jack-o’-lantern was named after a fellow named Stingy Jack, who thought he had tricked the devil. But the devil had the last laugh, condemning Jack to an eternity of wandering the planet with only an ember of hellfire for light.
Irish immigrants brought the jack-o’-lantern custom to North America, which is where pumpkins were first used to make the Halloween decorations.
Impress fellow partiers this weekend with this fact: a jack-o’-lantern is also the name for an orange fungus. The mushroom Omphalotus olearius is found at the base of hardwood tree stumps. It is extremely poisonous.
A Treasure Hunt game that we created last year for a Halloween party became an instant hit and has been requested again this year. Adapt the clues for any age group.
STEP 1: Make 9 rhyming clues and 1 treasure map on paper and place them around the yard. / Escribe 9 pistas con rima y dibuja un mapoa del tesoro; colocalos por todo el jardín o la casa.
STEP 2: Hand the kids Clue #1 and it should lead them to Clue #2 and then Clue #3 and so on. Clue #9 led them to the treasure map. / Comienza dando la pista 1 y esta les conducirá a la segunda y así hasta la última que les guiará hasta el mapa del tesoro.
STEP 3 : They had to find the treasure based on the map drawing and "X" marks the spot! Hide the treasure chest somewhere inside or outside where they can find it, but don’t make it to easy. The treasure can be a cardboard treasure chest filled to the rim with Oriental Trading novelty toys (you can make whatever you want) for Halloween and some candy. / El mapa debe contener una X que será el lugar donde está escondido el tesoro. El cofre del tesoro no debe ser muy fácil de encontrar. Podemos utilizar, caramelos, dulces, para rellenar el tesoro, o lo que queramos!
Here are my clues, but make your own clues to work with your "hunting" area. (My explanatory notes are in parentheses.) / Aquí tenéis unas rimas con pistas de ejemplo, pero debéis crear las vuestras propias para adaptarlas a vuestro entorno.
BUT YOU WILL HAVE TO LOOK UNDER A SLIDE (taped clue to underside of slide)
BUT YOU'LL HAVE TO ASK THE SKELETON (taped somewhere to Halloween party prop)
TRY CHECKING THE TIRE (taped inside of tire swing)
CHECK UNDER THE BOOMBOX (taped underneath CD player that is playing KidzBop Halloween music)
HOLDING THE RIDDLE (taped somewhere to Halloween party prop)
AND SO IS THE THING HIDING (I've still got to find something blue outside to use this year)
IS THERE A PIRATE AMONG THE MEN? (someone is dressing up like a pirate for the party and he is going to have the map)
Happy Halloween!
Is “achoo” a word? And what’s the origin of saying “God bless you” after a sneeze?

This instance of onomatopoeia imitates the sound of sneezing. The first syllable mimics the quick intake of breath, while the second corresponds to the tone of the convulsive expulsion of air through the nose and mouth. “Achoo” is also considered an interjection, in the same class of words as “ouch” or “gosh.” (What are ”gosh,” “golly,” and “gee” short for? They all pertain to religion. Click here for the answer.)
Other languages follow the same approach. A sneeze sound in Russian is apchkhi; in Korean it is achee.
ACHOO is an acronym for a sternutation disorder called Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioophthalmic Outburst Syndrome that results in uncontrollable sneezing.
After a sneeze, there are a few common responses. “God bless you” (or “bless you”) and “gesundheit” are two. Gesundheit is German for “healthiness.”
As for the origin of “God bless you,” there are a number of ideas. There are superstitious beliefs that connect evil to sneezing, such as the thought that a sneeze releases a soul to the waiting grasp of evil spirits. Hence, a blessing is needed.
A false belief that originated during the Renaissance dictates that a sneeze causes the heart to momentarily stop. The blessing was a brief prayer that the heart would not fail completely.
Why is “dog” one of the great mysteries of the English language?

Canis familiaris, also known as “dog,” is essentially a domesticated wolf. The dog is a member of the Canidae family, like the jackal and the fox.
About seven centuries ago, the word “hound,” which came from the Old English hund, was the word for all domestic canines. “Dog” was just used to refer to a subgroup of hounds that includes the lovely but frequently slobbering mastiff.
Of course, the opposite is now true. We use dog to talk about all of man’s best friends, from lovable golden retrievers to panting chow chows. And hound is now used to indicate a type of dog used just for hunting. Hound especially refers to a dog with a long face and large, droopy ears. Linguists still speculate about the reversal of fortune for “hound” and “dog.” One idea suggests that the sub-breed known as “dogs” became so populous that “dog” simply became the generic term (sort of an animal equivalent of the way brand names can become so ubiquitous that they start to be used as a general term for their purpose.)
The number of uses of “dog” is remarkable even by the standards of the dictionary. We call sleazy men dogs. We also call our feet dogs. A worthless object, such as a wobbly, rusty bike, is also called a dog.
(Don’t forget about the hot dog. Read about the gross but amazing origin of this dish, here.)
There also seems to be an endless number of idioms incorporating the word, such as “sick as a dog.”
The expressions “a dog’s life” and “go to the dogs” likely refer to a time when the animals were used primarily for hunting and not kept as pets.
The phrase “put on the dog” means to “get dressed up.” It may refer to the stiff, stand-up shirt collars (also known as dog collars) that were all the rage in the late nineteenth century.
A dog-eared page is named after the way many dogs’ ears fold down, as opposed to the perky, upright wolf ear.
Employing the phrase “hair of the dog” to talk about using alcohol as a hangover cure may be as old as drinking itself. The first recorded use is with Pliny, the ancient Roman writer.
BABY, song by Justin Bieber

Ohh wooaah (3x)
You know you love me,I know you care
Just shout whenever, And I'll be there
You want my love, You want my heart
And we will never ever ever be apart
Are we an item? Girl quit playing
Were just friends, What are you saying
Said theres another, Look right in my eyes
My first love broke my heart for the first time,
And I was like
Baby, baby, baby ohhh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine mine
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine,mine (oh oh)
For you, I would have done whatever
And I just can't believe, we ain't together
And I wanna play it cool, But I'm losin' you
I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you any ring
And im in pieces, Baby fix me
And just shake me til' you wake me from this bad dream
Im going down, down, down, dooown
And I just cant believe my first love would be around.
And I'm like
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine, mine
Justin Bieber Baby lyrics found on http://www.directlyrics.com/justin-bieber-baby-lyrics.html
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohhh
I thought youd always be mine, mine
When I was 13, I had my first love,
There was nobody that compared to my baby,
And nobody came between us or could ever come above
She had me goin' crazy,
Oh I was starstruck,
She woke me up daily,
Don't need no Starbucks.
She made my heart pound,
And skip a beat when I see her in the street and,
At school on the playground,
But I really wanna see her on the weekend,
She know she got me gazin',
Cuz she was so amazin',
And now my heart is breakin',
But I just keep on sayin'...
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine, mine
Baby, baby, baby ohh
Like baby, baby, baby noo
Like baby, baby, baby ohh
I thought youd always be mine, mine
(I'm gone)
Yeah, yeah, yeah (6x)
(Now Im all gone, now im all gone, now im all gone)
Gone, gone, gone,(gone)
I'm gone.
Idioms for Advanced Level
We use this expression when we say what we think.
En Español significaría: decir lo que pensamos sin dar rodeos o buscar lo políticamente correcto.
e.g. She will not hesitate to speak her mind if she sees you smoking.
When we talk to someone and that person doesn't listen to us, we say that It's like talking to the wall.
En Español lo traducimos de forma directa, Es como hablarle a la pared.
e.g. Talking to her is difficult because it's like talking to the wall.
This expression is used to mean that you have heard something from the person who knows the most about it.
En Español , la traducción directa no sirve , y significaría algo así como: de primera mano, o lo sé a ciencia cierta.
e.g. I heard it straight from the horse's mouth.
It means that I'm giving you my full attention.
En Español usamos la misma expresión, cuando nos interesa algo mucho, decimos: Soy todo oídos.
e. g. Tell me about it, I'm all ears!
When you avoid the main point, or you don't give a direct answer about something.
En Español , significa : Dar rodeos, no ir al grano.
e.g. Don't beat about the bush, tell me right now where the money is.
HEARTBEAT - Enrique Iglesias and Nicole Scherzinger
I saw you talking on the phone
I know that you are not alone
But you steal my heart away
Yeah you steal my heart away
You’re acting like you’re on your own
But I saw you standing with a girl
Stop tryn’ to steal my heart away,
Stop tryn’ to steal my heart away
I don’t know where we going
I don’t know who we are
I can feel your heartbeat … x2
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running thorugh me
Feel your heartbeat
She said
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Feel your heartbeat
Maybe it’s the way you move
You got me dreaming like a fool
That I can steal your heart away
I can steal your heart away
No matter what it is you think
I’m not the kind of girl you think
And give my heart away
Stop tryin’ steal my heart away
I don’t know where we going
I don’t know who we are
I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Feel your heartbeat
She said
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Stop stealling my heart away … x3
You’re stealling my heart away
I don’t know where we going
I don’t know who we are
Feels like we are flowing
High above the stars, the stars, the stars, the stars …
I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
He said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me x2
I can feel your heartbeat
She said
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
She said to me
I can feel your heartbeat
Running through me
Feel your heartbeat
Your love is my drug -- KESHA
Kesha - Your Love Is My Drug
Fill in the blanks with the words from the song/ Rellena las palabras que faltan al escuchar la canción:
Your Love Is My Drug de Kesha
Maybe I need some ______, or maybe just need some sleep
I got a ____ obsession, I'm seeing it in my dreams
I'm looking down every alley, I'm making us desperate 'cause
I'm staying up all night hoping and hitting my head against the ____
What you got it's hard to ______
I think about it all the time
I'm all strung out, my heart is ____
I just can't get you off ____ _____
Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
I said your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Won't listen to any _____
Momma's telling me I should think _____
But love to my own devices
I'm addicted, it's a crisis
My friends think I've gone crazy
My ________ getting kinda hazy
My esteem is gonna be _______
If I keep it up like a lovesick cracker
Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
I said your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
I don't care what people say
The rush is worth the price I pay
I get so high when you're with me
But _____ and crave you when you leave
Hey, so I gotta ________
Do you wanna have a slumber party in my _______?
Do you wanna make it hot, beat like an 808 drum?
Is my love with your drug?
Your drug, uh your drug
Uh your drug is my love, your drug
Because your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
I said your love your love your love is my drug
Your love your love your love
Your love your love your love, is my drug
(spoken) "I like your _____"
Quizá necesito un poco de rehabilitación, o tal vez sólo necesita dormir un poco
Tengo una obsesión enferma, estoy viendo en mis sueños
Estoy mirando hacia abajo cada callejón, estoy haciendo nosotros desesperada porque
Me quedo despierto toda la noche esperando y golpeando mi cabeza contra la pared
¿Qué tienes que es difícil de encontrar
Pienso en ello todo el tiempo
Estoy enganchado, se fríe mi corazón
No puedo sacarte de mi mente
Porque tu amor tu amor tu amor es mi droga
Tu amor tu amor tu amor
Me dijo tu amor tu amor tu amor es mi droga
Tu amor tu amor tu amor
No va a escuchar cualquier consejo
Mamá me dice que debo pensar dos veces
Pero el amor a mis propios dispositivos
Soy adicto, que es una crisis
Mis amigos creen que me he vuelto loco
Mis juicios conseguir un poco confuso
Mi estima va a ser afectada
Si lo guardo como un cracker enamorado
Porque tu amor tu amor tu amor es mi droga
Tu amor tu amor tu amor
Me dijo tu amor tu amor tu amor es mi droga
Tu amor tu amor tu amor
No me importa lo que digan
La prisa vale la pena el precio que pago
Me siento tan alto, cuando estás conmigo
Pero accidente y anhelan cuando te vas
Hey, así que tengo que pregunta
¿Quieres tener una fiesta de pijamas en mi sótano?
¿Quieres que sea caliente, latía como un 808 tambor?
Es mi amor con su droga?
Su medicamento, uh su medicamento
Uh su medicamento es mi amor, su medicamento
Porque tu amor tu amor tu amor es mi droga
Tu amor tu amor tu amor
Me dijo tu amor tu amor tu amor es mi droga
Tu amor tu amor tu amor
Hey ... eso?
Tu amor tu amor tu amor, es mi droga
(hablado) "Me gusta la barba"
And i know that you may love me,
But i just can't be with you like this anymore,
She's got both hands
In her pocket
And she wont look at you
Won't look you at
She hides through love
en su bolsillo
She got a halo around her finger
Around you
You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing to loose
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette and run
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto
Ale-ale-jandro) x2
(Just stop
Please, Just let me go Alejandro, Just let me go)
She's not broken
She's just a baby
But her boyfriend's like a dad, just like a dad
Draw those flames that burn before him
Now he's gonna find a fight, gonna fool the bad
You know that I love you boy
Hot like Mexico, rejoice
At this point I gotta choose
Nothing loose
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Alejandro
I'm not your babe
I'm not your babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just smoke one cigarette and run
Don't call my name
Don't call my name, Roberto
Ale-ale-jandro) x2
Dont bother me,
Dont bother me, Alejandro
Dont call my name,
Dont call my name, Bye Fernando
I'm not you're babe,
I'm not you're babe, Alejandro
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch,
Dont call my name,
Dont call my name, Alejandro
I'm not you're babe,
I'm not you're babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss don't wanna touch.
Just smoke one Ciggarette and run.
Don't call my name,
Don't call my name,
Ale-ale-jandro) x2
Don't call my name,
Don't call my name, Alejandro.
I'm not you're babe,
I'm not you're babe, Fernando
Don't wanna kiss, don't wanna touch
Just Smoke one Ciggarette and run.
Don't call my name,
Don't call my name, Roberto.
Ale-ale-jandro) x2